NAV Navbar


Welcome to the Visionati API! You can use our API to analyze images and videos. You can fetch a variety of data including tags, descriptions, faces, brands, colors, and text. You can even scan YouTube and Vimeo videos!

The API runs on credits. Each image or frame of video requires 1-6 credits depending on the features and backends you request, that way simple queries are less expensive. You can easily buy additional credits at our API server.

For simple requests, for instance tags and nsfw, it would cost 1 credit. However, if you wanted every feature and backend activated, it would cost 6 credits.


To authorize, use this code:

# You need to pass the correct header with each request.
  -H "X-API-Key: Token <YOUR_API_KEY>"

Make sure to replace <YOUR_API_KEY> with your API key.

Visionati uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can register an account at our API server.

Visionati expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:


Older apps may be using the Authorization header. This is now deprecated to improve compatibility with CORS.

Authorization: Token <YOUR_API_KEY>


Analyze an Image/Video

# Sample call to analyze an image.
curl ""
  -H "X-API-Key: Token <YOUR_API_KEY>"

The command above returns the following JSON. The second response below is returned if you request multiple images/videos.

  "files": 0,
  "file_names": [],
  "features": [],
  "backends": [],
  "role": "general",
  "tag_score": 0.85,
  "capture_interval": 0,
  "max_frames": 3,
  "credits_paid": 3,
  "credits": 1209,
    "all": {
    "assets": [
        "name": "",
        "tags": {
          "Buddha": [
              "name": "Buddha",
              "score": 0.9547365,
              "source": "clarifai"
          "ancient": [
              "name": "ancient",
              "score": 0.907019,
              "source": "clarifai"
          "architecture": [
              "name": "architecture",
              "score": 0.9429848,
              "source": "clarifai"
          "art": [
              "name": "art",
              "score": 0.97909284,
              "source": "clarifai"
              "name": "art",
              "score": 0.8106541,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "building": [
              "name": "building",
              "score": 0.8676134,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "church": [
              "name": "church",
              "score": 0.97136486,
              "source": "clarifai"
          "culture": [
              "name": "culture",
              "score": 0.9410028,
              "source": "clarifai"
          "decoration": [
              "name": "decoration",
              "score": 0.89900476,
              "source": "clarifai"
          "god": [
              "name": "god",
              "score": 0.90626276,
              "source": "clarifai"
          "gold": [
              "name": "gold",
              "score": 0.9167078,
              "source": "clarifai"
          "landmark": [
              "name": "landmark",
              "score": 0.7805456,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "leisure": [
              "name": "leisure",
              "score": 0.7397186,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "meditation": [
              "name": "meditation",
              "score": 0.7004138,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "no person": [
              "name": "no person",
              "score": 0.9178982,
              "source": "clarifai"
          "old": [
              "name": "old",
              "score": 0.9413237,
              "source": "clarifai"
          "plant": [
              "name": "plant",
              "score": 0.90841097,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "religion": [
              "name": "religion",
              "score": 0.9888678,
              "source": "clarifai"
          "religious": [
              "name": "religious",
              "score": 0.8962641,
              "source": "clarifai"
          "sculpture": [
              "name": "sculpture",
              "score": 0.9821177,
              "source": "clarifai"
              "name": "sculpture",
              "score": 0.8460582,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "spirituality": [
              "name": "spirituality",
              "score": 0.906218,
              "source": "clarifai"
          "statue": [
              "name": "statue",
              "score": 0.9778216,
              "source": "clarifai"
              "name": "statue",
              "score": 0.8353917,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "symbol": [
              "name": "symbol",
              "score": 0.89317465,
              "source": "clarifai"
          "temple": [
              "name": "temple",
              "score": 0.97307837,
              "source": "clarifai"
              "name": "temple",
              "score": 0.7803701,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "traditional": [
              "name": "traditional",
              "score": 0.8843783,
              "source": "clarifai"
          "travel": [
              "name": "travel",
              "score": 0.96362764,
              "source": "clarifai"
        "colors": {
          "#363333": [
              "hex": "#363333",
              "score": 0.014964638,
              "pixel_fraction": 0.21169269,
              "red": 54,
              "green": 51,
              "blue": 51,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "#54504e": [
              "hex": "#54504e",
              "score": 0.007167647,
              "pixel_fraction": 0.18531026,
              "red": 84,
              "green": 80,
              "blue": 78,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "#695541": [
              "hex": "#695541",
              "score": 0.0076295147,
              "pixel_fraction": 0.028493036,
              "red": 105,
              "green": 85,
              "blue": 65,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "#79533d": [
              "hex": "#79533d",
              "score": 0.041782755,
              "pixel_fraction": 0.017095821,
              "red": 121,
              "green": 83,
              "blue": 61,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "#90775f": [
              "hex": "#90775f",
              "score": 0.045921545,
              "pixel_fraction": 0.044674266,
              "red": 144,
              "green": 119,
              "blue": 95,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "#9c735a": [
              "hex": "#9c735a",
              "score": 0.42039907,
              "pixel_fraction": 0.0764739,
              "red": 156,
              "green": 115,
              "blue": 90,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "#a4734f": [
              "hex": "#a4734f",
              "score": 0.049462765,
              "pixel_fraction": 0.006894611,
              "red": 164,
              "green": 115,
              "blue": 79,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "#b09377": [
              "hex": "#b09377",
              "score": 0.04548987,
              "pixel_fraction": 0.017095821,
              "red": 176,
              "green": 147,
              "blue": 119,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "#b58b70": [
              "hex": "#b58b70",
              "score": 0.2676177,
              "pixel_fraction": 0.04052343,
              "red": 181,
              "green": 139,
              "blue": 112,
              "source": "googlevision"
          "#b8875e": [
              "hex": "#b8875e",
              "score": 0.056730855,
              "pixel_fraction": 0.0052061346,
              "red": 184,
              "green": 135,
              "blue": 94,
              "source": "googlevision"
        "nsfw": [
            "label": "sfw",
            "score": 0.98024684,
            "source": "clarifai"
            "label": "nsfw",
            "score": 0.019753128,
            "source": "clarifai"
            "label": "adult",
            "likelihood": "UNLIKELY",
            "source": "googlevision"
            "label": "violence",
            "likelihood": "UNLIKELY",
            "source": "googlevision"
            "label": "spoof",
            "likelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY",
            "source": "googlevision"
            "label": "medical",
            "likelihood": "UNLIKELY",
            "source": "googlevision"
            "description":"This image captures a serene representation of a Buddha statue seated in the lotus position, cradled within an intricately carved wooden mandorla. The mandorla with its flame-like patterning radiates out from the statue, symbolizing spiritual radiance and enlightenment. The Buddha is depicted with a gentle smile and eyes lowered in meditative introspection. Above, a complex, dark wooden ceiling structure lends an imposing architectural dimension, contributing to the sense of tranquility and sanctity in this space. Foreground floral offerings add vibrant color, suggesting ongoing veneration and cultural significance. The photo conveys a combination of artistry, spirituality, and the calm ambiance of a sacred place.",
            "source": "openai"
      "failed to decode image: image: unknown format",
      "Unexpected error while running the classification job."

Response if you sent a batch request.

  "request_id": "267f99ce-c797-4855-807f-21b204edb7ed",
  "user_id": 1,
  "urls": ["", ""],
  "files": 0,
  "file_names": [],
  "features": [],
  "backends": [],
  "role": "general",
  "tag_score": 0.8,
  "capture_interval": 0,
  "max_frames": 3,
  "success": true,
  "response_uri": ""

This is the main endpoint of the API, and is used to analyze an image or video. If you pass it multiple images/videos to scan then it will provide a different response with a response_uri to poll for results.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Default Description
url false none URL to the image/video you wish to scan. Videos return an async response.
url[] false none URLs to the images/videos you wish to analyze. This param should be passed multiple times. Returns an async response.
file false none Base64 value of the image/video file contents. Returns an async response.
file[] false none Base64 value for each image/video file. This param should be passed multiple times. Returns an async response.
file_name false none Uploaded file name.
file_name[] false none Uploaded file names. This param should be passed multiple times.
backend false all Select a single backend you want to enable. Valid values are: clarifai, imagga, googlevision, rekognition, llava, bakllava, jinaai, gemini, claude and openai. By default clarifai, imagga, googlevision, rekognition, gemini, claude and openai are all enabled.
backend[] false all Allows you to pass multiple backends at the same time. That way you can just enable openai and googlevision if you want. Note, the response time could be lengthy if you have all backends enabled.
feature false all Select features you want to enable. By default all features are enabled. Valid values are: brands, colors, descriptions, faces, nsfw, tags, and texts.
feature[] false all Allows you to pass multiple features at the same time. That way you can just scan tags and faces if you want.
role false general Pick the role, or persona for your description. This allows for more customized descriptions! Valid values are: artist, caption, comedian, critic, general, ecommerce, inspector, promoter, prompt, realtor, and tweet.
prompt false none Text prompt to use when generating a description. Takes priority over role.
tag_score false 0.9 Minimum tag score for the results. Valid values are floats between 0 and 1.
capture_interval false 1 The time in seconds between video image captures. By default videos process every second. Valid values are integers greater than 0.
max_frames false 3 By default videos process every frame. This allows you to set the max number of frames to process. To remove the limit, set this value to 0.

You can also POST to the /api/fetch endpoint with JSON. Here is a sample payload:

{ "feature": ["nsfw", "tags", "descriptions"], "role": "general", "url": [ "", "" ] }

When dealing with files, we recommend using POST requests.

Async Response

curl ""
  -H "X-API-Key: Token <YOUR_API_KEY>"

The command above returns the following JSON as it is processing. The second response below is returned if processing is complete.

  "request_id": "267f99ce-c797-4855-807f-21b204edb7ed",
  "user_id": 1,
  "urls": ["", ""],
  "files": 0,
  "file_names": [],
  "features": [],
  "backends": [],
  "role": "general",
  "tag_score": 0.8,
  "capture_interval": 0,
  "max_frames": 3,
  "status": "processing"

Response when processing is complete.

  "request_id": "267f99ce-c797-4855-807f-21b204edb7ed",
  "user_id": 1,
  "urls": ["", ""],
  "files": 0,
  "file_names": [],
  "features": [],
  "backends": [],
  "role": "general",
  "tag_score": 0.8,
  "capture_interval": 0,
  "max_frames": 3,
  "credits": 856,
  "credits_paid": 2,
  "all": {
    "assets": [{
      "name": "",
      "tags": {
        "Historic site": [{
          "name": "Historic site",
          "score": 0.8550074
        "Sand": [{
          "name": "Sand",
          "score": 0.95072967
        "ancient": [{
          "name": "ancient",
          "score": 0.96067786
        "antique": [{
          "name": "antique",
          "score": 0.95298517
        "archaeology": [{
          "name": "archaeology",
          "score": 0.8163238
        "architecture": [{
          "name": "architecture",
          "score": 0.90563744
        "art": [{
          "name": "art",
          "score": 0.8780494
        "beige color": [{
          "name": "beige color",
          "score": 0.983
        "desert": [{
          "name": "desert",
          "score": 0.83813953
        "measuring instrument": [{
          "name": "measuring instrument",
          "score": 0.841
        "nature": [{
          "name": "nature",
          "score": 0.83924955
        "no person": [{
          "name": "no person",
          "score": 0.9846246
        "old": [{
          "name": "old",
          "score": 0.95872563
        "outdoors": [{
          "name": "outdoors",
          "score": 0.9428955
        "retro": [{
          "name": "retro",
          "score": 0.91253495
        "sand": [{
          "name": "sand",
          "score": 0.8890777
        "sky": [{
          "name": "sky",
          "score": 0.840596
        "stone": [{
          "name": "stone",
          "score": 0.8253684
        "sundial": [{
          "name": "sundial",
          "score": 0.841
        }, {
          "name": "sundial",
          "score": 1
        "timepiece": [{
          "name": "timepiece",
          "score": 0.841
        }, {
          "name": "timepiece",
          "score": 0.8663619232177731
        "traditional": [{
          "name": "traditional",
          "score": 0.86968356
        "travel": [{
          "name": "travel",
          "score": 0.95432603
      "colors": {
        "#512d16": [{
          "hex": "#512d16",
          "score": 0.05418332,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.054410838,
          "red": 81,
          "green": 45,
          "blue": 22
        "#587b96": [{
          "hex": "#587b96",
          "score": 0.021196907,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.009814613,
          "red": 88,
          "green": 123,
          "blue": 150
        "#63a6f6": [{
          "hex": "#63a6f6",
          "score": 0.12261884,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.10709981,
          "red": 99,
          "green": 166,
          "blue": 246
        "#6ca5e3": [{
          "hex": "#6ca5e3",
          "score": 0.063343495,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.03403547,
          "red": 108,
          "green": 165,
          "blue": 227
        "#714b30": [{
          "hex": "#714b30",
          "score": 0.044825763,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.04895827,
          "red": 113,
          "green": 75,
          "blue": 48
        "#976c46": [{
          "hex": "#976c46",
          "score": 0.04776877,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.049589623,
          "red": 151,
          "green": 108,
          "blue": 70
        "#987253": [{
          "hex": "#987253",
          "score": 0.07415027,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.058313724,
          "red": 152,
          "green": 114,
          "blue": 83
        "#b29474": [{
          "hex": "#b29474",
          "score": 0.07692947,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.05647707,
          "red": 178,
          "green": 148,
          "blue": 116
        "#b68f6e": [{
          "hex": "#b68f6e",
          "score": 0.05362947,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.061527867,
          "red": 182,
          "green": 143,
          "blue": 110
        "#debe9a": [{
          "hex": "#debe9a",
          "score": 0.053562753,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.11892326,
          "red": 222,
          "green": 190,
          "blue": 154
      "texts": [{
        "bounding_poly": {
          "vertices": [{
            "x": 145,
            "y": 16
          }, {
            "x": 395,
            "y": 16
          }, {
            "x": 395,
            "y": 33
          }, {
            "x": 145,
            "y": 33
        "text": "Stargate sand sculpture...\n"
      }, {
        "bounding_poly": {
          "vertices": [{
            "x": 145,
            "y": 16
          }, {
            "x": 233,
            "y": 16
          }, {
            "x": 233,
            "y": 33
          }, {
            "x": 145,
            "y": 33
        "text": "Stargate"
      }, {
        "bounding_poly": {
          "vertices": [{
            "x": 234,
            "y": 16
          }, {
            "x": 279,
            "y": 16
          }, {
            "x": 279,
            "y": 32
          }, {
            "x": 234,
            "y": 32
        "text": "sand"
      }, {
        "bounding_poly": {
          "vertices": [{
            "x": 283,
            "y": 16
          }, {
            "x": 395,
            "y": 16
          }, {
            "x": 395,
            "y": 33
          }, {
            "x": 283,
            "y": 33
        "text": "sculpture..."
      "nsfw": [{
        "label": "sfw",
        "score": 0.9995708
      }, {
        "label": "nsfw",
        "score": 0.00042922708
      }, {
        "label": "adult",
        "likelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY"
      }, {
        "label": "violence",
        "likelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY"
      }, {
        "label": "spoof",
        "likelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY"
      }, {
        "label": "medical",
        "likelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY"
      }, {
        "label": "safe",
        "score": 0.9854914093017579
      }, {
        "label": "underwear",
        "score": 0.0130350482463837
      "brands": {
        "eagleburgmann": [{
          "name": "eagleburgmann",
          "score": 0.8401
    }, {
      "name": "",
      "tags": {
        "Forest": [{
          "name": "Forest",
          "score": 0.9892672
        "Green": [{
          "name": "Green",
          "score": 0.9679495
        "Natural environment": [{
          "name": "Natural environment",
          "score": 0.9783299
        "Natural landscape": [{
          "name": "Natural landscape",
          "score": 0.9851578
        "Nature": [{
          "name": "Nature",
          "score": 0.97681445
        "Nature reserve": [{
          "name": "Nature reserve",
          "score": 0.9639079
        "Old-growth forest": [{
          "name": "Old-growth forest",
          "score": 0.9698044
        "Tree": [{
          "name": "Tree",
          "score": 0.9944205
        "Tropical and subtropical coniferous forests": [{
          "name": "Tropical and subtropical coniferous forests",
          "score": 0.97010356
        "Woodland": [{
          "name": "Woodland",
          "score": 0.9837558
        "dawn": [{
          "name": "dawn",
          "score": 0.96872115
        "daylight": [{
          "name": "daylight",
          "score": 0.88768035
        "environment": [{
          "name": "environment",
          "score": 0.9598845
        "fair weather": [{
          "name": "fair weather",
          "score": 0.956573
        "fall": [{
          "name": "fall",
          "score": 0.90823317
        "forest": [{
          "name": "forest",
          "score": 0.8639950561523441
        "growth": [{
          "name": "growth",
          "score": 0.91593105
        "guidance": [{
          "name": "guidance",
          "score": 0.9471642
        "landscape": [{
          "name": "landscape",
          "score": 0.9808681
        "leaf": [{
          "name": "leaf",
          "score": 0.98558354
        "lush": [{
          "name": "lush",
          "score": 0.9471315
        "mist": [{
          "name": "mist",
          "score": 0.9281504
        "nature": [{
          "name": "nature",
          "score": 0.9820632
        "no person": [{
          "name": "no person",
          "score": 0.9591023
        "park": [{
          "name": "park",
          "score": 0.9507468
        "scenic": [{
          "name": "scenic",
          "score": 0.9073466
        "southern beech": [{
          "name": "southern beech",
          "score": 0.879313430786133
        "sun": [{
          "name": "sun",
          "score": 0.954275
        "sunbeam": [{
          "name": "sunbeam",
          "score": 0.966048
        "tree": [{
          "name": "tree",
          "score": 0.97798496
        }, {
          "name": "tree",
          "score": 1
        "trunk": [{
          "name": "trunk",
          "score": 0.8971928
        "wood": [{
          "name": "wood",
          "score": 0.99636936
        "woody plant": [{
          "name": "woody plant",
          "score": 0.8354441070556641
      "colors": {
        "#090d02": [{
          "hex": "#090d02",
          "score": 0.0025426464,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.066761464,
          "red": 9,
          "green": 13,
          "blue": 2
        "#203911": [{
          "hex": "#203911",
          "score": 0.021619858,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.08972627,
          "red": 32,
          "green": 57,
          "blue": 17
        "#306112": [{
          "hex": "#306112",
          "score": 0.052881327,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.09228582,
          "red": 48,
          "green": 97,
          "blue": 18
        "#4c871a": [{
          "hex": "#4c871a",
          "score": 0.08929054,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.08275862,
          "red": 76,
          "green": 135,
          "blue": 26
        "#538333": [{
          "hex": "#538333",
          "score": 0.045829047,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.056096695,
          "red": 83,
          "green": 131,
          "blue": 51
        "#6ab61c": [{
          "hex": "#6ab61c",
          "score": 0.052289702,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.02047636,
          "red": 106,
          "green": 182,
          "blue": 28
        "#6fab37": [{
          "hex": "#6fab37",
          "score": 0.08954284,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.05872734,
          "red": 111,
          "green": 171,
          "blue": 55
        "#784835": [{
          "hex": "#784835",
          "score": 0.07421559,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.019836474,
          "red": 120,
          "green": 72,
          "blue": 53
        "#8bd334": [{
          "hex": "#8bd334",
          "score": 0.13494858,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.031567723,
          "red": 139,
          "green": 211,
          "blue": 52
        "#96d058": [{
          "hex": "#96d058",
          "score": 0.052115206,
          "pixel_fraction": 0.024600072,
          "red": 150,
          "green": 208,
          "blue": 88
      "nsfw": [{
        "label": "sfw",
        "score": 0.9918149
      }, {
        "label": "nsfw",
        "score": 0.008185141
      }, {
        "label": "adult",
        "likelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY"
      }, {
        "label": "violence",
        "likelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY"
      }, {
        "label": "spoof",
        "likelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY"
      }, {
        "label": "medical",
        "likelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY"
      }, {
        "label": "safe",
        "score": 0.9983775329589839

This endpoint retrieves an async response from a video or batch request.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

This endpoint takes no parameters.


Below is a sample error message.

{"error":"Invalid URLs detected."}

The Visionati API uses the error codes below. Many errors can be returned during normal API usage. Developers should always look at the error key on any returned JSON response!

Error Code Meaning
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.